How Natural Clay Masks Can Help To Soothe And Manage Acne

white kaolin clay - face mask

Acne is a frustrating skin condition that can be challenging to treat. Often we are told that it is just a teenage problem and it will pass, but many people, particularly women, continue to suffer from acne into adulthood. Here’s a look at the causes of acne and why clay masks are an effective treatment.

What causes acne?

Acne is primarily caused by changes in hormone levels, which is why it typically occurs around puberty. It is characterised by spots that can appear on the face, neck, chest, back. The spots can take the form of small blackheads and whiteheads, or more severe pustules and cysts that can lead to scarring.  

The spots form when the oil-producing glands next to the hair follicles in the skin produce excess amounts of sebum, which mixes with bacteria in the surface of the skin. This can cause inflammation and pus to form, which erupts on the skin as spots. Women can be more prone to acne due to hormonal fluctuations during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

How is acne treated?

Acne is not regarded as a medically serious condition and it cannot be cured, but severe acne can be painful and also lead to permanent scarring if left untreated. All types of acne can make an individual feel self-conscious and less confident in their social, personal and professional relationships. 

Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter medications such as benzoyl peroxide, but these can be very harsh and drying, and also stain clothing and bedding. More severe acne should be treated on the advice of a doctor, who may prescribe antibiotics or strong medication. However, this can have unwanted side effects. 

The benefits of clay masks for treating acne

Many people look to natural ways to manage their acne, because unlike harsher products they do not cause the skin to become excessively red and dry. One of the most popular methods to treat acne naturally is mineral-rich clay. Here’s a look at how they work.

Natural clay, particularly bentonite and white kaolin clay, have excellent absorbent properties and they can soak up excess sebum from the surface of the skin without leaving it uncomfortably dry. When used regularly, they can help to balance oil production and reduce shine.

Clays such as Bentonite have detoxifying properties and can help to draw impurities out from the skin. Substances in the clay bind with toxins, reducing the risk of clogged pores and inflammation. The texture of clay also acts as a gentle exfoliant, helping to remove dead skin cells that can aggravate acne. 

Natural clays, particularly French clay and Rhassoul clay, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to keep the skin clearer and soothe irritation. All these types of clays are also rich in minerals such as magnesium, calcium and silica, which help the skin to heal and renew. 

When applied once or twice a week, natural clay masks can help to reduce breakouts, soothe inflamed skin, control oiliness, and promote healing.