Soaking Clay
External use
Clay has long been used as a health treatment in Spas around the world. A clay bath is a gentle, fun and pleasant way to detox, because clay will absorbs toxins instead of forcing them out like in a sauna.
Clay is activated by contact with water, an ionic exchange takes place that draws impurities and toxins out of the skin. The way it works is that clay particles carry negative electrons whilst toxins carry positive electrons. Toxins are attracted and "pulled" inside the clay molecule.
Bathing in Happy Mud will leave you feeling relaxed, clear headed and deeply refreshed . Your skin will be soft and rejuvenated due the deep cleansing action of the clay.
Suggested use: Use 1/2 to 1 cup of Happy Mud in one bath filled with warm water. Soak your body in clay water for a minimum of 20 minutes. Shower the residue of clay from your skin. It is important to drink plenty of water to re hydrate the body.
Ingredient: Beige Montmorillonite Clay